Learning, Caring, Sharing
Welcome to Moonta Area School
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Moonta Area School, where we deliver flexible learning to reflect individual needs in an ever-changing world through our values of:
“Respect, Resilience, Inclusion: The Future is in Our Hands."
Our school has a long and successful tradition of supporting students from Reception to Year 12, using innovative learning practices to empower students to achieve their full potential as successful and valued members of their community.
I hope that you will enjoy your time with us and I invite you to contact me at the school should you wish to discuss anything further.
Kind regards,
Beth Hector
We believe in a Moonta Area School where:
All relationships are positive
Learning environments are safe, orderly and productive
The focus is and remains on teaching and powerful learning
Resources are allocated to best meet the needs of students
About MAS
Catering for students from Reception until Year 12, we work together to empower students to achieve their full potential as successful and valued members of their community.
Students access all areas of the Australian Curriculum with learning structured in classrooms and specialist learning areas. Learn more about the curriculum for the different year levels at our school.
News & Events
Download our latest newsletter and access the archive of past news and events.
For Parents & Carers
Parents and carers are a vital part of our school community. Strong links and communication between home and school supports better outcomes for our students. At Moonta Area School, parents, carers and extended family have many opportunities to be involved in school life.
Community Library
Moonta Community Library opened in 1977 in the main stone building of the Moonta Area School on Blanche Terrace Moonta. The Library is jointly funded by the department of Education and Child Development, Public Libraries SA and the District Council of the Copper Coast.
Useful links
Access policies, procedures and department documents available for download.