For Parents & Carers

Parents and carers are a vital part of our school community

Strong links and communication between home and school supports better outcomes for our students. At Moonta Area School, parents, carers and extended family have many opportunities to be involved in school life.

The groups that have input into the management of the school are our Governing Council and Decision Making Committee. There are also other committees formed each year which encourage parent participation.

The huge volume of daily activities in our school could not run as successfully as they do without the support of parents and carers. These vary from volunteering in the canteen, clothing pool and listening to reading, to sports days, excursions and camps.

Some parents and carers can be involved regularly and others can only help out once or twice a year. All contributions are valued by our school.

Daymap Parent Portal is used as a tool for communication, accessing student reports and as another method to contact the school for absences.


Parent handbook

Our 2025 Parent Handbook is available for download below. Please speak to your child's teacher or admin staff at the front office if you require more information.

School Fees

One of the first bills for the new year is for Material & Service Fees. An invoice will be posted home in January.

Payment by Instalments

Any families wishing to pay their fees by instalment will need to come to the front office and fill in an instalment plan with our Business Manager to be approved by the Principal.

School Card Applications

If you wish to apply for school card, a new application must be completed each year. Applications may be completed online here or can be completed in the Front Office if you have your Customer Reference Number and your child’s Customer Reference number.

This must be completed as soon as possible in Term 1. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please come into the Front Office to discuss with our Business Manager. 

School Fees contribute to the total school budget and are used for: 

  • Allocated books/consumables including a diary

  • Tech Studies, Art, Home Ec, IT, PE and Outdoor Ed consumables and hardware

  • Textbooks and library resources

  • Art & craft supplies

  • Photocopied materials and worksheets 

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Moonta Area School has been selected to be part of a pilot to implement the school-wide
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework.  

What is Positive Behaviour for Learning?  

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based framework that supports equity and improved learning outcomes for students.  

The PBL framework has been implemented in schools across Australia and the United States for more than 20 years. 

The PBL framework brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. Our school will:  

  • develop school-wide behaviour expectations 

  • explicitly teach these expectations and establish clear and consistent boundaries  

  • acknowledge positive student behaviour 

  • consistently address behaviour of concern  

  • monitor student outcomes and use data to inform decision making. 

The PBL framework helps schools address behaviours of concern without immediately resorting to exclusionary discipline, such as office referrals, take home and suspension. 

The PBL framework and resources will consider the needs of neurodiverse learners when implementing the PBL practices and any adjustments that might be required for individuals. 

What is the PBL pilot?  

The school-wide PBL framework will be piloted in 40 public schools over a period of 3 years.  

The Department for Education has selected schools to participate in the pilot based on a range of factors, including location, school readiness, demographics, site type, and varying exclusionary rates.   

For more information about the Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework, visit

School Closure Days and Pupil Free Days

2025 Dates:

Term 2, Week 1 - Monday 28th April - Pupil Free Day

Term 2, Week 7 - Tuesday 10th June - Pupil Free Day

Term 3, Week 6 - Friday 29th August - Pupil Free Day

Term 3, Week 7 - Monday 1st September - School Closure Day

Term 4, Week 7 - Friday 28th November - Pupil Free Day