
Student Leadership

Student Leadership at Moonta Area School

At Moonta Area School, we believe in fostering student leadership by providing opportunities for students to actively contribute to their school community. Our student leaders play a crucial role in upholding our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) values and ensuring student voices are heard.

School Captains

Each year, two Senior Captains, two Middle Captains, and two Junior Captains are elected by their peers and staff in Term 4 of the previous year. These captains lead by example, working closely with students and staff to create a positive and inclusive school environment.

Our School Captains play an important role in leading the Student Leadership Team, guiding their peers, supporting Student Representatives, and ensuring student-led initiatives are successfully implemented.

Student Leadership Team

Alongside our captains, each class has a Student Representative who joins the Student Leadership Team. This team meets fortnightly to discuss and take action on:
✅ Fundraising events
✅ School improvements
✅ Student concerns and ideas

The Student Leadership Team works closely with the Student Leader Coordinators and the Site Leadership Team to ensure student perspectives are considered in school decisions and initiatives.

In addition to these responsibilities, the Student Leadership Team helps plan and run key school events, including:

  • Primary School Disco

  • Clean Up Australia Day

  • Fundraising initiatives

Flinders, Monterra and Eyre House Captains

Moonta Area School has three House Teams: Flinders, Monterra, and Eyre. Each team is led by six House Captains (2 Senior Captains, 2 Middle Captains, 2 Junior Captains)

House Captains play an essential role in promoting house pride and setting a positive example by following the school's PBL expectations. They are key leaders in Sports Day and other house-based leadership activities, encouraging teamwork, participation, and school spirit.

By collaborating with staff and peers, our student leaders make a meaningful impact on our school and local community. We are proud of their dedication and commitment to making Moonta Area School a great place to learn and grow!