International Students
MAS welcomes International students
We have students who are in Australia for 6 and 12-month stays and we also host students on short-term visits.
Students who come for a long-term stay are enrolled at our school for the duration of their visit and take the same lessons as our students. They become actively involved in the school and local community and make life-long friends.
Short-term visits are usually for a group of students. In Term 3, our school annually hosts a group of Japanese students from Meiji Nakano Hachioji High School near Tokyo as a part of the Japanese Homestay Program. Each student is hosted by a local family to experience our Australian country, school and family life by joining in on activities.
Our school provides daily English lessons and an immersion program designed to help build confidence in English by offering authentic opportunities to practice speaking and interacting with many of our classes, as well as spending time with their Australian ‘buddies’ in their classes.
Additional activities include making Cornish pasties and boomerangs and learning about Indigenous culture and Australian music, as well as attending various excursions to see Adelaide, local shops, museums, beach, farms and a Mayoral Reception.
The benefits of these programs are wide-ranging for everyone involved at our school and in our community. It has contributed to the global perspective of our curriculum and provided unique and first-hand learning experiences for students, families and staff.
For information about studying abroad in South Australia, please contact:
International Education Services
Department for Education
PO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001 | GFW
31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone: +618 8226 3402
Fax: +618 8226 3655
Email: education.isp@sa.gov.au
Website: www.internationalstudents.sa.edu.au