Middle School
Middle School (Year 7-9)
Through living our values of Learning, Caring and Sharing, we aim to meet the holistic needs of young adolescents by nurturing positive relationships between students, staff and families. We promote resilience and support our young people to develop independence and confidence.
We offer an inclusive program that supports individual learning needs.
Our Pastoral Care Program focuses on becoming a community of learners, developing a growth mindset, setting and working on goals for continual improvement, business and enterprise skills, developing self-regulation and co-operative skills through the Rock and Water program, and of course, preparing for group excursions and camps.
Middle School classes take place in specialist areas (Hospitality, Art, Design Technology, Gym, and Digital Technology) and in our wonderful new Middle School building which includes a media studio and special technology room. Our curriculum also includes explicit and targeted lessons in Literacy and Numeracy.
Project Based Learning (PBL) is one way our students develop their knowledge and skills by working for an extended period to investigate and respond to problems or questions, and by presenting their learning to an audience. It is important for young adolescents to feel engaged and in control of their learning. PBL allows students to take responsibility for their learning in a supported environment. By learning to design questions, investigate and research complex issues, persist with challenging tasks and manage time and resources, students are preparing themselves for the independence and rigour of senior school, further study and the workforce.
Banner image credit: Phillips/Pilkington Architects