Students with additional needs
Moonta Area School is an inclusive education setting that prides itself on supporting students with additional needs across the whole learning site.
To support learning in the mainstream setting, 1:1 support is offered to identified students, and unique class options are available for eligible students.
MAS District Special Classes are an integral part of Moonta Area School. These small class settings provide support and learning opportunities for students with a range of additional needs to be successful in learning. There are two Special Options classes. A Junior Primary class catering for a maximum of eight students and a Primary class with the capacity to support 12 students. These classes cater for students who have been assessed and meet the Department for Education criteria for placement. Students in these classes have access to a specialised learning environment and individualised learning program and are supported by specialist staff.
Moonta Area School is an inclusive site and provides many opportunities for special options students to learn and play alongside their peers throughout the learning day.
In consultation with parents, class Teachers, and the Students with Additional Needs Coordinator can refer students to the Student Intervention Team if there are concerns with a student’s progress at school. This team can refer students for assessment by the Department for Education Support Services to identify programs and services to help each individuals achieve their learning outcomes.
All Students with additional needs have an integrated learning plan known as a One Child One Plan (OCOP). These individualised plans are developed in consultation with the student, parents and carers, teachers, support staff, Department for Education and NDIS service providers to ensure that each student has appropriate opportunities to develop and learn. Individualised learning goals are set and reviewed each term, allowing students to participate in various programs to suit their needs.
Programs may include:
Modified curriculum
Modified SACE
Intervention programs such as Minilit, Quicksmart Maths, Reading Tutor and Reading Tutor Extension
Lunchtime activities such as Computer Club, Lego Club, Bubble Club and Making Club
Social and Emotional programs such as Feeling Fantastic, Calm Kids Central, 5 is Against the Law, Rules and Relationships, 5 point Scale and Interoception.
Part Time school program
Community Access program
Life Skills programs